Free domains
Providing free domains to community organizations reflects our core mission to promote community organizations.
Apply for your free domainAll non-profit and community organizations are eligible for a free lex.ma domain if they meet our community guidelines. Lex.ma domains are a great way to spread the word about your cause, organization, or community.
Apply for a free domainAlthough the Lexington Domains Organization is still in its early stages of development, we have already accomplished a number of goals to develop, promote and enhance all aspects of Lexington's unique community.
Providing free domains to community organizations reflects our core mission to promote community organizations.
Apply for your free domainLexington Domains Organization has created a comprehensize online directory for all businesses in Lexington. We are working together with Lexington Domains to develop this into a sustainable and accessible solution for our local businesses.
Visit directoryLexington Domains Organization has created an updated directory for Lexington High School students that allows them to instantly navigate to any teacher's website.
Visit a random teacherWe are in the midst of developing our newest project--an interactive web experience created to celebrate and preserve our Lexington's history.
Coming soon!